How it works

A small view behind our scenes

We believe that the quality and background of our team is often more important than an early stage concept or idea. Therefore we build a program to identify a repeatable and scalable business model.



Lets take a view of your first steps


Scan your idea, concept or service online through our Smart questionnaire. Upload a file if necessary and download your personal non-disclosure agreement.

Startup Scan button light + text


All team members analyse your idea, concept or service very accurate on different points. Are there enough solid building blocks and can we find or built a minimum viable product?


After 5 working days you get your personal Canvas from us. This is your first outline of several prescriptions which forms the building blocks for the next activities.



Green light & Assessment
A Canvas with Green in the Startup Desk Traffic Light is your invitation for our 2 hour assessment program.
After this assessment we hope we can put you in our lean Startup program.

Traffic light green

Assessment button


Business Model
Between this 3 till 6 months intensive accelerator program we launch your idea into a repeatable and scalable business model.

Process chart page2

StartupDesk wheel


“ we operate as a lean startup driven by entrepreneurial principles”

Startup Scan button + text

So it’s time for you to pitch and lets spin that wheel